
Our market insights and opinions
A cover page of "Commercial Broker" magazine, Issue 98 from March 2022. The magazine's tagline reads "The award-winning magazine for the National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers." The main headline is "Stepping into the limelight" with the subheading "An underwriter’s journey out of the shadows." Below the headline is a section featuring Asim Shirnawi, Chief Commercial Officer at Lendhub, with his photo and a brief introduction.

OPINION: The role of the modern underwriter

Asim Shirwani, Chief Commercial Officer at Lendhub, writes for NACFB's Commercial Broker Magazine about the emergence and present role of the modern underwriter.
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A side-by-side image of two men in professional attire. The man on the left is Darius Shekarrizi, Lendhub's Business Development Director. He has short dark hair, a trimmed beard, and is wearing a blue blazer over a white shirt. The man on the right is Tyrone Alexander, Lendhub's Business Development Manager. He has short hair, a full beard, and is wearing a blue blazer over a light blue shirt. Both men are smiling and the background is blurred, an office environment.

Lendhub expands sales team

Lendhub welcomes Darius Shekarrizi and Tyrone Alexander (pictured) to their sales team
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A screenshot of an article from "Bridging & Commercial" magazine. The headline reads "The rise and demise of the relationship manager" with a byline "ASIM SHIRIWANI, CCO AT LENDHUB" and the date "09:00 WEDNESDAY 29TH DECEMBER 2021." A photograph of Asim Shiriwani, the Chief Commercial Officer at Lendhub, is featured prominently. He is smiling, wearing a light-colored blazer over a white shirt. The background of the image is a gradient from dark to light, and the header of the page is dark blue with the white text "BRIDGING & COMMERCIAL.”

OPINION: The rise and demise of the relationship manager

Asim Shirwani, Chief Commercial Officer at Lendhub, his views on the role of the Relationship Manager within an emerging short-term finance industry, and questions what place this role has when faced with the newly founded, more aligned position of the Business Development Manager.
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A woman with long, straight hair stands outside, smiling. She is Sally O'Loughlin, Lendhub's Credit Manager, and is wearing a black short-sleeved top. The background shows an urban street scene with brick buildings and a sidewalk, slightly blurred. The lighting is bright, suggesting it is a sunny day.

INTERVIEW: Woman in Finance interview with Credit Manager Sally O'Loughlin

Tony Sanchez, editor at Bridging Loan Directory, talks to Sally O'Loughlin about her views on being a woman in finance.
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